Saturday, September 12, 2015

Stuck in the Mud

My mentor shared with me the idea of being stuck in the mud and how this can teach us acceptance.  She told me about a story of a young lady walking on a path who came across a large mud puddle, thick and wide.  As she walked, she tried harder to get out of it quickly and as she did, she dug deeper into the mud with every pull and push of her feet.  She fought and fought to get out by twisting and turning only to find herself deeper in the mud due to her frantic movements.    Eventually, the young lady stopped fighting and resisting.  She told herself, "I am stuck in the mud, I don't want to be here, but I am here.  I am in the mud"  She looked around, took a few deep breaths and allowed herself be there with acceptance and relaxed.  She proceeded with calm and thoughtful movements and was eventually able to free herself from the mud.

My mentor told me this story because in life, we can often find ourselves, in the thick of some muddy situations.   Resisting the situation we are in can cause us to fall deeper into it.  The mud will come, that is not the problem. The question is, how will we handle it?

Some of my greatest teachings have come from being in the mud.  As I have taken on a mindfulness practice, I enter into situations that would have caused anxiety or pressure in the past, as an opportunity to be gentle and accepting with myself.  Time slows down for me a bit when I recognize, "I am in the mud.  Here it is. What does it have to teach me?"  I do not respond with an attachment to an outcome or resistance to being in the mud.  I let is wash over me and realize that this mud is really an offering for deeper growth and learning.

The mud in my life has taught me to self-reflect, to connect with my spirit and to love myself even through my mistakes.  I get to choose how to view the hardships I have faced and will face.  The mud becomes my teacher.  Through it I have learned acceptance, how to listen, and how to let go.  It isn't so scary to face adversity, conflict or an unexpected crossroad when I am connected to my spirit and understand my worth. The mud becomes a part of life's dance.

Deepok Chopra shared a simple strategy that you can use when faced with a challenge.
  • S-  stop
  • T-  take 3 deep breaths
  • O- observe what is happening now without judgement
  • P-  proceed with kindness, joy and love

The beautiful lotus flower emerges from the depths of the cold, muddy water.  From such darkness comes absolute beauty.  The next time you find yourself "stuck in the mud", try to be open to it.
Be mindful in how you respond.   The mud will come for it is part of the human experience.  It doesn't have to define you as "stuck" in life.  Through it, you can emerge stronger, wiser and shine.

Will you respond with resistance or from a level of acceptance?
Will you connect with your spirit or give into self-doubt and fear?
Will you remember to speak with loving kindness towards yourself or respond with negative self-talk?
Will you see the mud as an opportunity to connect with yourself and others or will you allow it to harden your heart and muddy your perception of life?
You get to choose.