Friday, May 22, 2015

A Book to Remember!

Today I read the book Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott.  I laughed, I cried, I reflected and reading made me want to spend some time with this eclectic, humorous, deep thinking poet.  My God, I loved reading it.  Have you ever read something and it just hit every nerve in your body, triggered memories and thoughts that sometimes you bury?  That was what it was like, yet it left me feeling as though I am on my way, I am not alone, and my story is one of Grace.  This book talks about three prayers you will ever need are Help, Thanks and Wow, hence the title.  

This is about how to surrender.  When we feel so rigid and tight as we hold onto the pain, the fear, the judgement, the anger, the resentment, the mess we call our situation and we finally ask for help and let go. We leave it in God's hands, the Universe, the Divine, how ever you want to word it, and wait for the wisdom to seep into our hearts on how to move forward.  I am reminded that I have to be patient.  Life isn't a steady straight shot towards the sky.  It is a wrinkly mess of ups and downs, momentum moving forward and then tripping over our ego and landing with our face flat on the floor.  When we can let go and release the need to have control, we can sit back and surrender.  From there, we can relax, go back to our center and carry on.  This reminded me of mindfulness. Surrender.  Allow God, the Universe, the Divine, however you want to word it, to help you get out of your own way.  Go back to your center, for you are light and love and can surrender. Take time to listen to your heart, to God's whispers, the Universe, to the inner wisdom that we all have inside of us in order to let go and move forward.  One breath at a time. 

My favorite part of this book was this quote.  "Gratitude begins in our hearts and then dovetails into behavior. It almost always makes you willing to be of service, which is where the joy resides. It means you are willing to stop being a jerk. When you are aware of all that has been given to you, in your lifetime and in the past few days, it is hard not to be humbled, and pleased to give back."  My God, this made me think.  Anne talked about the little things that we must be grateful for.  The coffee in the morning, the warm socks we get to wear, clean sheets, a sunrise, the rain to water the grass, or the song on the radio that brings back a happy memory. Thank you is so powerful because it gives you a wake up call.  We are so lucky to be here, now, even during the pain, we are still lucky to be breathing.  The cracks that break our hearts let in the light so we can find our way out of the dark.   Say thank you for the dark, the cracks, and the set backs.  In one breath, you can transform the pain into wisdom.  For that alone, one needs to find gratitude.  Gratitude is to give, not take.  Give to others and you will be amazed at how good it feels.  It allows you to see gratitude first hand and take one step out of the darkness.

This is what I call the "Life is Good" moments.  When we are in awe of the Universe and its wonder, its beauty, its power, and our very own ability to love. Those moments that take one's breath away. Aren't we lucky? We can look at a sunset and feel music in our bones.  We can hold each other in comfort.  We can breathe in fresh air smelling of Lily of the Valley and build a snowman.  We can tell people that we love them and dance.  When we feel connected to those "Wow" moments, we are re-fueled and reborn.  We are as close to God, the Universe, the Divine, our own light as we can ever be and when we can settle into those moments, we are celebrating life. We become one with the Universe. Some say the Universe is within us, for what makes up the stars is the same matter that make our cells, our tissues, and our organs. Wouldn't it be amazingly powerful to look into the mirror every morning and say "Wow" realizing that you are love, you are light and you are made from the dust of stars?   What a magical gift of knowing your worth.  How life changing to be able to tell yourself every day "You are beautiful and it is worth it."

  • Surrender- let go of what you can no longer carry.  
  • Say Thank You, even for the headaches. 
  • Be aware of the "Wow" and "Life is Good" moments that take your breath away.  
  • When you breathe you are getting rid of the old and taking in anew.  
  • Connect with yourself, your soul, your spirit and your center.  

  • It is okay to struggle.  You can endure it.  
  • You are not alone. 
  • You are one breath away from finding Grace and your journey is beautiful.

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